
We are looking for an ASP.NET MVC developer that will be able to develop and support existing applications. The main scope of work will include everything from back-end to client-side code, using optimal and efficient technologies, frameworks, and patterns. Your primary responsibilities will be to design and develop these applications. Therefore, it’s essential that you are skilled in problem-solving, solution design, and high-quality coding.

Department: Software Development
Project Location(s): Pune
Education: Master's Degree
Compensation: 22K per annum
  1. Proficiency in C#
  2. Experience using .NET 4.5+
  3. Experience in developing ASP.NET MVC applications
  4. Senior knowledge of Entity Framework 6.* | ADO.NET }}
  5. Proficient knowledge in MSSQL | MySQL | Oracle | other RDBMS
  6. Database design including indexes and data integrity if RDBMS is required
  7. Understanding of HTML, JS, and CSS
  8. Familiarity with the client side framework jQuery | Angular 1.* | Angular 2.*+ | React | other will be advantage
  9. Familiarity with Azure Web Apps | AWS Cloud
how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

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